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Q1 – CryptoLowcap Team
Welcome Rainar! We’re delighted to welcome you today to explore the fascinating world of BLOCX. To begin, tell us a little about yourself: what’s your background, could you share your story and the reasons why you decided to create BLOCX?
A1 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Happily, Myself I come from various background but I’ve had lot of experience since young childhood while I was hosting different servers, modifying clients and running games, after that life happened, finished school, became private chef for High Importance Individuals, while doing that I ran my game development company, studied LAW and in the end ended up still on software development company, after which I started project BLOCX.
So you can say I have various background and together with that have achieved a decent network of connections. How BLOCX got started is out of necessity, I have been around crypto myself since 2017 and have been also mining crypto, when mining crypto I had to juggle between malware protection, remote access tools, afterburner different crypto wallets not knowing if they are safe (newly launched projects etc) – that’s where the idea and spark came from, why hustle in so many different software solutions and worry about safety if I can get it all from one. Idea got started 2022, prototyping end 2022 and project born early 2023.
Q2 – CryptoLowcap Team
BLOCX presents itself as a next-generation blockchain platform. Can you tell us what your unique value proposition is, and what advantages it offers over existing projects, particularly in the DePIN sector?
A2 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Correct, BLOCX offers a lot. We are your one stop solution for digital life management and safety. We focus strongly on Safety, Management and Monetization. Providing all the tools to you you need to either keep your computer in top notch space or safe keep your crypto asset or private details all in one place with a decentralized approach, all data only collected and stored with you. About DePIN sector we offer marketplace which is different from other ones available out there, we offer super easy approach to get your machine listed with us even without technical knowledge you would be able to do it, additionally we have various amount of templates available catering all the needs, either you are computer engineer, artist, crypto miner, or want to run what ever custom docker you want, we got you covered. But it is more than that on our Desktop Suite we offer an additional category called monetization and in there we will be integrating most of our partners, you can imagine growing your portfolio or earning from your idle computing power all from one place since we will have kit of different opportunities available.

Q3 – CryptoLowcap Team
How many developers are currently working on the project, and how are you organized? Can you tell us about your role within BLOCX, the talents of your team, and what motivates you on a daily basis?
A3 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Sure, we can talk about motivation. I am highly passionate about what I do and I see this product, project being actually used every day since we cover wide areas of tools and can attract people from various backgrounds. We use our product ourselves and we know there is a lot of interest behind it, it is not built only for bull market but all the cycles since we have actually all year around use case whatever it is, that what motivates me even more. This product is one of a kind and is such a product what can be on the market for the next 10-20 years or even more by always evolving. You can look at different malware companies they started in the 1990’s and are still here, we see that BLOCX fits the same way into the market uniting web2 and web3 tools into one.
About our team it consists of 4 teams as we speak now. One Blockchain team, Second Marketplace Team, Third Desktop Team and Fourth Design and Marketing Team.
Each Team has designated Lead Developer and myself I am there to overlook everything kinda like project manager and CEO if can be said so.
Talents come from various backgrounds and we do have extensive code language experience, all our team members have around 8-10 years experience in programming only, and come from various backgrounds like cloud engineering, blockchain development, game development, Web development, Desktop development and the list goes on. Team is highly organized, works around the clock and is in constant communication between each other.
Q4 – CryptoLowcap Team
BLOCX’s masternode system plays a crucial role in network governance and security. Could you shed some light on the technical challenges you encountered when implementing this system, particularly with regard to the balance between decentralization and efficiency in the decision-making process? In addition, how do you see this system evolving as the BLOCX network grows, particularly in terms of adaptability and scalability?
A4 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
I Yes it does, it plays crucial roles as a second layer of the network and you can say a validator of transactions which are keeping the network secure, disallowing double spend attacks and allowing instant transactions between wallets.
Additionally another thing you mentioned is governance DAO, which if you run a masternode gives you vote or decision making authority, how that works is if at any time someone, team or someone else makes proposals, masternode owners can vote yes or no for its funding.
As the network grows, we can also adapt different ways, I will bring you a sample as we already did, we have implemented second layer of masternodes which operate same way like first so one is regular other is lite masternode, that gives people more flexibility and gives chance to more to participate in staking and decision making.

Q5 – CryptoLowcap Team
You opted for aggressive tokenomics when creating the project, with high inflation at the launch of the project and a micro-halving system. What were the reasons behind these choices?
A5 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes we did, the first reason when we did it was because firstly we wanted to attract as much eyes as possible and it was successful. We reached the heights pretty fast within days, secondly we wanted some part of supply to be out quickly so downfall won’t be consistent but users can adapt to supply. Additionally as the market evolved we did quick readjustments in first year we had couple of hard forks, changing emission and release schedule that was made after assessing demand and how the market moved, it isn’t always easy to get emissions right but with our aggressive method and quick readjustment we assured that everyone miners, masternode operators etc will be all in balance and attractive. In Hybrid POW it is crucial to be as flexible and attractive to everyone as possible because it is not only POS or POW network it is both of them.
Q6 – CryptoLowcap Team
The project was launched without pre-mining (fair launch), and the team is funded by 3% of block rewards. Could you explain the reasons behind this decision and how it aligns with BLOCX’s vision? In addition, the development fund is also fed by 3% of each block reward, as well as a monthly SuperBlock representing 7% of the block reward. What was the mechanism behind this choice?
A6 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, as mentioned before, we did readjustments after that, since our project and scope was growing our products were more maturing and we understood that the project will be bigger and will have more growth than anticipated at the start.
There was actually a premine of 3 million in BLOCX that was used to attract the pools, host competitions and pay to exchanges.
After which we did a hard fork and adjusted, Team got more allocation, superblock was reduced to 5 percent, another layer of masternodes was created for 4 percent of rewards and team percent remained 3.
Reasons behind that change was first to attract more masternode owners, second superblock rewards, to fund in future whatever we need like we are doing now for exchanges, and 3 percent to team to cover small marketing and some monthly payments to our team operations.
As mentioned, our model incorporates both Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). The decision to retain the developer reward is also a strategic option because it provides us with an allowance of 3 percent that can be allocated elsewhere in the future. For example, we could implement a hard fork and use this 3 percent developer reward to incentivize people who host their machines on our marketplace. This is just one possible scenario.
Our emission schedule is currently structured as follows:
– 44 percent – Miners
– 44 percent – Regular Masternodes
– 4 percent – Lite Masternodes
– 5 percent – Superblock
– 3 percent – Developer Reward

Q7 – CryptoLowcap Team
BLOCX has adopted a hybrid model combining traditional mining, masternode systems and a DePIN CPU/GPU marketplace. Can you tell us about your long-term vision for the synergy between these three players? How do you plan to encourage collaboration between miners, masternode operators and CPU/GPU resource providers to ensure the security and stability of the BLOCX network, while maintaining a balance in the distribution of rewards?
A7 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, as mentioned in the last question, we have strategically allocated rewards between masternodes and miners and left 3 percent for developers so we could potentially allocate that to marketplace machine providers in the future.
I think we are currently at a very good pace with our distribution of rewards, which has created a good balance and synergy among all the network collaborators.
Q8 – CryptoLowcap Team
What technical challenges did you encounter in the transition from X11 to AutoLykos 2, and how did this transition impact the existing BLOCX ecosystem, including attracting miners and token holders? What were your motivations for making this change, which in part conditions the evolution of the project?
A8 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
It was a road full of challenges. Firstly, we moved the codebase from Scala over to C++. After that, we started integrating it with our codebase, keeping in mind that we had a double layer of masternodes on top, so everything had to function properly while adopting the new algorithm. It was the first-ever such task for our team, but we pulled it off wonderfully! We are very proud of it. It took longer than expected, but we got there.
When we talk about attraction now, we have ASIC resistance and a GPU-minable algorithm. That is another big reason why we did it—because of our marketplace. Now, we can naturally build a bridge with miners and the marketplace; they can rent out their machines while still continuing to mine, potentially maximizing their profits even more.

Q9 – CryptoLowcap Team
How does AutoLykos 2 manage mining difficulty? Can you explain the difficulty adjustment mechanism and how it helps maintain a stable block time?
A9 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, if I’m correct, we are still using the Dark Wave Gravity difficulty adjustment algorithm, and our block time has been reduced to 1 minute. The way difficulty adjusts is that in 24 hours, there are approximately 1,440 blocks, which means the average block time is 1 minute per block. Sometimes it can be higher, and sometimes it can be lower, but the average is always 1 minute, and there are always 1,440 blocks in a 24-hour period.
Q10 – CryptoLowcap Team
BLOCX integrates a CoinJoin system to enhance transaction confidentiality. Could you explain how this process works and how it guarantees anonymity while maintaining the validity of transactions? In addition, how does BLOCX position this CoinJoin functionality to ensure compliance with emerging regulations while preserving user privacy?
A10 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, we did implement it because we forked our coin from Dash. Since the very start, I was involved, and we have maintained that direction. Moving forward, we are considering legalities and wanting to stay out of trouble, so we have actually disabled CoinJoin and will not be activating it, as it can be used to mask transactions. Our blockchain is meant to be public and transparente.
Q11 – CryptoLowcap Team
The recent launch of BlocX’s GridBox marks an important step in the development of a CPU/GPU marketplace. Could you tell us about your vision for the evolution of this marketplace, particularly in terms of scalability and interoperability? Also, given that users can add machines with different operating systems to the GridBox, how have you met the technical challenge of ensuring compatibility and interoperability between these heterogeneous systems within the GridBox network?
A11 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
It was originally planned to release the bit later, but since the community insisted, we started development earlier and released it. That is very correct; it marks an important milestone in our ecosystem and the broader crypto space, simplifying the marketplace for everyone. This is just the beginning. Our marketplace is receiving weekly updates, and you can expect it to provide one of the most user-friendly experiences on the market. Currently, we already support listings for three different operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux, which sets us apart from other marketplaces.
As for technical challenges, I believe there weren’t many significant challenges. The only aspect that took some time was detecting different types of GPUs and allocating them to the appropriate templates.
Q12 – CryptoLowcap Team
What are the main use cases you envisage for BlocX, and how do you see your technology being adopted in different business sectors? In addition, how do you intend to motivate users to offer their CPU/GPU resources on the marketplace, and for what specific types of task will these resources be primarily intended?
A12 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Our Desktop can be used by individuals and businesses. It covers everything from safety management and monetization. Users can use our desktop for malware protection, computer management, such as optimization, drivers update, afterburner, AI assistant like chatbot, contact scanner, website scanner, and internet services like remote access, VPN, and SafeBrowser. We cover a lot, and then of course, we have a monetization sector where users can rent out their idle computing power.
Now, what motivates us is the earning potential from our marketplace since it’s super easy to set up. Another great thing is that we have partnered with an aggregator who offers our machines and then Nuco cloud, so if you come to our marketplace, your machine is rented out in many marketplaces at the same time. There is a very high possibility it keeps being rented out at all times, truly making your machine into a passive earning model. At the same time, you can run a masternode for even more earning potential there.

Q13 – CryptoLowcap Team
The whitepaper mentions an optimization system including “AfterBurner” for GPUs. Can you explain the technical mechanisms used to optimize GPU performance and how this fits into the BlocX ecosystem? Does the “AfterBruner” you mention have any connection with the software developed by MSI for customization and overclocking?
A13 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, it does. The whitepaper is a little bit outdated but will be updated now once we release our new website in the upcoming weeks.
But happily, Afterburner will be released for GPUs and will be usable for various GPUs like NVIDIA and AMD. It is very similar to MSI Afterburner.
Q14 – CryptoLowcap Team
BLOCX develops an integrated security suite, accessible to BLOCX coin holders. In a competitive market where established solutions like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Proton or Mullvad already offer security services, and where crypto projects like OctaSpace are emerging with similar approaches, what is your vision of BLOCX’s unique added value? How does your “all-in-one” approach, combining security and crypto-currency, stand out in terms of efficiency and innovation compared to these traditional and crypto solutions? What specific benefits can users expect from choosing the BLOCX ecosystem for their digital security?
A14 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
As you mentioned here, how does it stand out? We stand out exactly by offering a unique all-in-one approach, which no one else has ever offered. We are combining Web2 and Web3 tools all into one place, creating demand across different backgrounds of people.
Yes, in the security aspect, there is high competition, but we also know that we can bring such malware protection into the market which will be highly competitive since we have an advisor who is working for a top malware company and has given us guidelines to follow. We will have our own layered malware protection engine, and this is why we chose Web3 to go into a niche section to gather other eyes not only from Web2 but this time also Web3, building a bridge in between.
And then it comes to the marketplace, once we are done, you will see that no one will have such various options for running their machines for different templates. We will cover it all and make it easier than ever to use. All-in-one means all-in-one in each area.
Q15 – CryptoLowcap Team
Can you tell us more about the major objectives for 2025, and what will be the next key milestones for BLOCX’s development beyond this point? A major milestone has been reached with the integration of the GridBox, and we can’t wait to see what happens next?
A15 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
Yes, so in 2024, we will be finishing up mostly our BLOCX Desktop and GRIDBOX. In early 2025, we will be making some final touches to our desktop, like malware scanning and adding different networks and masternode compatibility to our wallet.
The year 2025 will itself be highly focused on moving over to a revenue-earning model, making our BLOCX Desktop available in a premium version, and adding a bunch of new monetization opportunities through our partners. So you can say that the end of 2024 and 2025 will be big in terms of revealing partnerships. When it comes to GRIDBOX, it will take on a new shape and face in terms of user experience, so there is a lot happening behind the scenes. Now, 2025 will definitely be our year, which brings out the new face of BLOCX. Our products won’t just be MVP; they will be market-ready with a beautiful UI and UX.
Q16 – CryptoLowcap Team
Today, BLOCX is among the low-cap projects in the DePIN sector and, more broadly, on the market with a market cap of around 5 million. What are your ideas to improve the visibility, reach, and branding of the project among investors?
A16 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
As mentioned, we have a lot ongoing in the background, and our team is highly focused on delivering all of the main things by the end of the year. By 2025, we will have a completely new look, which will already be a key thing for success. Another thing that is happening in the background is the partnerships being built, which will play a huge role in attracting users to our desktop monetization section, and then, of course, not to mention our planning for a Tier 1 listing.
For those who do not know yet, BLOCX is established in Estonia, and we will also be going for an investment round in Q1-Q2 of 2025 to further enlarge our operations.
Q17 – CryptoLowcap Team
Of all the projects in the crypto ecosystem, which ones inspire or excite you the most, and why? Is there a new project you’d like to highlight, or an older one you’d like to salute for its contribution to the sector?
A17 – Rainar, BLOCX CEO
That is a good question. I’ve been around in the market for a while, and there are different projects—some with VC funding and huge backing, some with a complete fair launch.
All in all, it is hard to say, but still, a huge shoutout from my side would be going to projects like Ergo, Render, IOTA, LayerZero, PIVX, and Flux.
Sadly, not all the projects are doing so well anymore as they should, but they do deserve to be in better places, and that is sometimes because of old ways, over-promising, etc.
What we are doing at BLOCX. is different and sets us apart from traditional blockchain projects. We are here to evolve and offer all-year services for everyday computing needs.

Many thanks to Rainar for this instructive exchange on BLOCX. The discussion enabled us to gain a better understanding of the project’s specific features, in particular its CPU/GPU marketplace and its approach to digital security. There are many challenges to be met in an ever-changing crypto sector. It will be interesting to observe how BLOCX will navigate this competitive environment and how its innovations will materialize in the long term. We’ll be keeping a close eye on future developments in this ambitious project, and hope you’ve enjoyed discovering BLOCX’s vision. Thank you, Rainar, for your time, and we wish you all the success you deserve for the future! Rowenta01 & The_Dowser!
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